Flow is a really interesting concept that has a close relationship to human happiness. It is the experience you have when you are fully and completely absorbed in an activity and nothing else seems to matter.
Become the happiest, best version of yourself
Flow is a really interesting concept that has a close relationship to human happiness. It is the experience you have when you are fully and completely absorbed in an activity and nothing else seems to matter.
There are a few things you can do in the morning that can have a significant impact on the rest of your day. One of them is to add more mindfulness into your life by starting your day slowly and on a positive note even before getting out of bed. It’s a five-minute practice that will help you focus your mind and ease into your day with more clarity and positivity.
Nothing feels better than a well-crafted to-do list, and the feeling of accomplishment at the end of the day when you just check off all of your tasks. A to-do list keeps you on track, it helps you move towards your goals, and makes you feel more productive and in control of your life. If you keep your to-do list sweet and short it is more likely that you’ll actually follow through.
Multitasking – the idea that we can pay attention to multiple complex tasks at the same time, is a myth. We can only pay attention to one complex thing at the same time. Therefore, multitasking means that you do many things badly and take much more time to do them.
As life gets faster and faster, we are expected to do more in less time and to become multitasking experts. That creates stress and anxiety, and we never get to really focus on what we are doing at the moment. When we are hurried and stressed we lose focus on what we are doing, we become self-conscious and worried about the outcome. When we are bombarded with too much information, we are unable to function effectively. Stress is going up and the performance is going down. Multitasking is a big part of the problem and, actually, an illusion, because our brain processes information one after another.
Genuinely happy people don’t just sit around being contented. They make things happen. They set and reach goals, and control their thoughts, feelings, and habits. If we want to experience love, peace, contentment, optimism, and joy, we have to give up our bad, limiting habits.
A productivity journal is a great tool to help you stay organized, set and define goals, store important information, and track your progress. Writing things down is like a commitment you make to yourself – it prompts you to choose a specific goal and accomplish it, and it holds you accountable. It also helps you organize and analyze your thoughts in a way that would be difficult – if not impossible – to do if you were just thinking or dreaming about it.
There are many reasons why people procrastinate: fear of failure, stress, perfectionism, low energy level, or simply the need to feel good in the short term. But when people learn how to actually focus on the task at hand, engage with it, and even come back to it when they get distracted, they can easily overcome procrastination. Mindfulness is a great tool when it comes to dealing with external distractions, like a phone call, background noise, interruptions, and internal distractions: thoughts, worries, and anxiety.
More and more research is suggesting that there are more health benefits associated with drinking coffee than just much needed energy boost it provides.
Coffee is, actually, very healthy.
I truly believe in the power of good habits and that “we are what we repeatedly do”. (Aristotle). But sometimes I’m one of the world’s biggest procrastinators. I find myself distracted with everyday household chores and I can easily get lost in watching Youtube videos or some other tempting TV series.
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